Saturday, January 3, 2009

Nobody's bigger than a giant.

Good grief., originally uploaded by Charlie the Vietnamese Vegan.

For Christmas, I finally got something that I've been wanting for a long time- Kermit the Frog. He's a photo puppet replica and not a puppet though. The difference being that photo puppets were used for picture shoots and publicity rather than the "real" Muppets. Photo puppets could be posed in any way without requiring a puppeteer to keep the body up from inside. I lucked out and was able to order him for a great price instead of going to eBay, where he's going for about the retail price from when he came out a few years ago. Kermit sold out early last year I think, and eventhough I wanted Animal more, it was better to get Kermit when I had the chance.

Let me tell you, waiting for him was a nightmare. The store we ordered him from is in California, the state immediately below us, and standard shipping was to take 5-7 days. No big deal there, especially since shipping was free(!). But just 2 days after ordering Kermit, it started to snow. A lot. So much chaos happened with everything here during that time that it seemed like Kermit would be delayed. The UPS tracking info didn't get updated for a while, so I expected the worst. I literally checked the tracking every 10 minutes whenever I was online. It was a combination of hoping that there wasn't a delay and that I've wanted a Muppet for so long that waiting made me feel like a kid on Christmas again, looking at presents under the tree a week before getting to open them.

But by some amazing fluke, and regardless of how much I hate UPS, they came through and delivered Kermit on time. The box he was shipped in was HUGE- a lot bigger and even heavier than Kairi. When I opened that sucker and saw Kermit's box, I went back in time to when Christmas presents excited me and I looked forward to everything. Yeah, there was no way in hell I was waiting to open Kermit- it was right then or not at all.

Taking Kermit out of the box and seeing him in-person was incredible. There it was in my own home, in my own hands: a real, "living" Muppet. Kermit the Frog was part of the family. Honestly, I expected him to come to life and start talking at any moment. This IS Kermit. I almost felt not good enough to have him because of how amazing he is. He's made of a special kind of fleece, the kind that erotic novel writers could go on about for paragraphs. The thing around his neck is felt, as are the feet, and his eyes are real ping pong balls. He has wires in his arms, legs and mouth/head, so any pose you ever saw Kermit in can be recreated (even his fingers can be bent individually). I haven't messed with him that much because I need to clear our shelves still, but it's a blast coming up with poses and facial expressions for him. You wouldn't think that something so basic in design and detail could have such expression.

There are only a few pictures of him on my Flicrk account at the moment. Just search for Master Replicas or Kermit in my Photostream:

Even if I don't pose him on a regular basis, I can't help looking at him every day. I still can't believe that I finally have a Muppet. Kairi loves him too and gave him a big hug, but she has to be a little older before she can take him on adventures or anything. Maybe for show and tell when she's in kindergarten...

A special top 10 countdown is coming soon. And by the way, this clip made me jump on the inside a little:

It's from the movie [REC]. Someone recommended it for a movie similar to 28 Days Later (in the overall feeling anyway) and I checked out a clip on YouTube. If the rest of the movie is even half as cool as that, I'm gonna watch it. Oh who am I kidding, I'm watching the whole thing on there right now, 10 minute portion by 10 minute portion. That sample is the first thing from a horror movie to make me jump even a little since I saw LeatherFace slam the steel door for the first time in the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre all the way back in 1999. Before then? Pet Sematary and It when I was 5. But that's another entry in itself.

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