I'd want him to wear that same outfit, since it's of the same style he'd generally wear in the movie, though maybe a darker version. That and have a second version of him from the end of the movie. For the first's accessories, he could come with a revolver, the gun he had when quail hunting, and...I really don't know what else. It's been a few months since I've seen the movie in full, and most of the scenes I remember perfectly are the ones with Daniel Day-Lewis' incredible acting. I guess the hat could be an accessory since he didn't always wear one. The second, ending version, would be easier. Give him a bowling pin, bottle of booze, a plate with a cold steak on it, and maybe a bowling ball and a milkshake(!) too.
I really loved that character. I know he was a complete bastard, but he reminded me of myself in a few ways that I can't really explain. Daniel Plainview to me, is an instant timeless, memorable character. Even people I know that hated the movie said they'll never forget how much of an evil bastard he was, and still remember his name. There's not much outside of posters for collectibles from the movie, but a 12" figure would be beyond cool. If Sweeney Todd can get one, why can't Mr. Plainview?
The other is the one and only Anton Chigurh from No Country For Old Men.

Now him, he'd be a lot easier for accessories. The air gun used for cattle, both of his shotguns with the huge silencer, some loose change for unscrewing vents, his quarter of life and death and...what else? Maybe the bag of money and the tracker for it. Oh, handcuffs too. This guy would be loaded. And just make sure he has socks under those boots.
Ok, 'just had to get those out of the way.
Kairi's birthday party went really well. It was great for her because all of her buddies were there, and she just kept running around with them and watching Wubbzy. She got a lot of neat things, especially the trike my dad got her, and the dry erase board from Lindy. 'been wanting to get her one of those for a few months now since she loves dry erase markers and gasps out of excitement whenever I get them out for her. About half as many people from last year showed up, most of those probably losers from the old church from hell. 'just further proof that those people don't honor their word. Kairi went crazy about halfway through, and started licking all the cupcakes that were left on the table. She also didn't cry when everyone sang to her! She got lots of super cute clothes, including Finding Nemo pajamas. I hate Finding Nemo but can't deny that those are cute. And holy shit she got 60 bucks? I thought she only got $40. Cool. Rich baby! I hope she gets some movies she's wanted for a while, like The Aristocats and maybe some Tom and Jerry collection. I always forget to look at FYE for what they have that she likes.
My brother can lift 1/3 of what I could at his age. He wanted to use the gym here again. I really wonder if he'll ever get bigger. When he was in 5th grade and graduated the DARE program, he got an XS shirt and it was huge on him. My youngest sister looks like she's going to be the same way. She was born about 8 months ahead of Kairi and Kairi's an inch or two taller than her.
It's been over a week and still no shirtless Kit Fisto in the mail. If I don't get him by wednesday, I'm going to do the whole complaint thing. 'never even heard from the guy saying he sent the figure out. Even the Dunny that was sent by freakin' Media Mail got here on saturday, a week after I won it, and on the other side of the country. The last one I bought should get her soon. And I've officially given up on Aaron now since I lost him AGAIN. If I hadn't went to bed an hour before the auction ended, I would've bid at the last minute and probably won him. But I'm not going to look up anything Wild Thing-related for a while now. I'm happy with the ones I got of course, but damn is Aaron cool, especially in his pose and how his face looks. He really looks like he's in some kind of ritual. Oh shit, what if that's what the Wild Rumpus really was?
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