The guy I bought the IG-88 figure from sent me a message saying the figure was sent back to him from the post office and the box was completely crushed, ruining IG-88 inside. That blows so much, but he was nice and gave me a full refund. I still want the figure, but I opted for a Dunny I liked instead. I'm going to use the rest towards HOPEFULLY an Aaron figure. There are 3 up right now, and if I don't win one of them, I'm going to be pissed. I don't get why he suddenly jumped in popularity. The order always seemed to go Moishe, Bernard, Emil, Goat Boy, Aaron and Tzippy. Maybe I made a mistake in uploading videos showing off the figures on YouTube...
This showed up on eBay a few days ago:
I emailed the seller asking if there was anything inside the magazine that mentions new Olivia figures coming out and he said there was just an ad for the show. That'd be rad if they released a whole bunch to go along with the show. It'd mean I could get a new figure instead of holding out for that damn rare one that goes for a stupid amount of money. But that looks like a figure on the cover of the magazine, and not a character model from the show. Or does it? The show's done in such a bland CG style that it doesn't look like the usual CG shows on these days. Man I hope this means new figures. Now if only they'd make some of the Backyardigans too.
As far as the new bass goes, I still plan on getting one, but I might be leaning more towards an Ibanez EDB like I used to want. The two main reasons being that the neck on the EDB400 I played 2 years ago is fucking incredible and I could play anything effortlessly. The other reason is that EDBs are very cheap on eBay. Like...1/3 the price of the Schecter I wanted cheap. But the risk there is not being able to play before you buy. Sure I could always file a dispute with PayPal, but those always take a while. Maybe I'll go to the music store down the street this weekend and see if they have any EDBs in-stock that I can try out and see if they're still great. I swear though, every EDB on eBay is less than $400, usually less than $300 even. But I've went through bass info over the years hearing that heavier bodies are better, and apparently the EDB models are plastic. Eh, time to go on a bass board and ask what the geniuses over there think.
Awww, now she wanted to go to sleep, but wanted to kiss Moishe and Emil (or as she calls him, "The chicken"). She's such a sweet little Kai.
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