Batman still doing the "dark" voice is annoying as hell. I couldn't take it seriously in the first movie, and it only got worse here. I'M GOING TO KEEP TALKING LIKE THIS, EVEN IF YOU ALREADY KNOW MY TRUE IDENTITY. And Two-Face...I had to pause the movie when he first appeared because I was laughing so hard.
There weren't any gags that I laughed even a little at. None of the action scenes impressed me. None of the IMAX shots wowed me. I wasn't even expecting to be blown away because I know better than to do that with a movie that got people beating off to it as much as this. And here I thought Batman Begins was going to be the boring one of this new Batman series. Nope. Well, ok they're about even.
This isn't a joke entry or anything either. I did not like this movie at all. I kept checking my email and other sites during the many "quick we have to find x person!" scenes, and when the movie was over, I ejected the disc right away, put it back in the Netflix slip and put it in the mailbox. And it's sunday morning, and the mailman doesn't come until monday afternoon, so it'll be in the box for a while. That's how much I didn't want this thing in my home any more. I gave it 1 star on Netflix, and 1/2 a star on Flickster on FaceBook since that's as low as you can go. I'm dead-serious: Elektra didn't bore me this much. That at least had a stupid factor that had me laughing from beginning to end. Here, it's just an overblown budget movie that took itself too seriously and tried to throw in little bits that made you question society and humanity. Wow, how deep. Really.
I think another reason I couldn't get into The Darsh Knight was because I can't stand superhero movies. X-Men was ok, X-Men 2 was pushing it, and X-Men 3 is better left for dead. I didn't like any of the Spider-Man movies, especially both sequels. Iron Man, I really wanted to like since the character always interested me, but that one didn't have enough Iron Man in it- they could've just called it Tony Stark and gotten away with it. Fantastic Four...fuck both of those movies. The first one is THE worst comic-based movie I've ever seen. Both Hulk movies? Ugh no.
The only superhero movie I've ever seen isn't even based on a comic. It's mother fucking ZEBRAMAN:
Don't let Takashi Miike's name on the poster fool you- the movie's excellent, and I wish Zebraman had appeared in The Darsh Knight and made everything good. I would say "better", but that's saying it was any good to begin with.
Ok, enough of talking about things that make me mad. Though there's one more thing. I lost yet another Aaron Wild thing auction yesterday. He went for $41(!), and I -know- it's because I've been making videos of these guys for YouTube. There are a few more listed right now, and if I lose any of these ones that are up as of this typing, I'm going to put him on hold unless I find an insanely low BIN one like I did with Max and Goat Boy.
Man they need to make some Zebraman toys. I wouldn't care if Hot Toys or Medicom made a 12" figure and charged their usual $150+. I'd buy one in a second.
Speaking of 12" toys, did you see the upcoming Dutch from Predator by Hot Toys? This thing's crazy:
I'm really tempted to pre-order one, but it's about $160-180 on most sites. But god would that look incredible in-person. 'definitely want to get one of the Predators by Hot Toys in the next month or two now that I decided on a great bass that's $220 cheaper than the Schecter I wanted. I got to play a slightly lesser model at Watz Up yesterday and I was really impressed. The neck on it wasn't as wide as I was expecting, and it was a lot smoother than the Schecter's. If it didn't come in an ugly camo green with stripes[???], I would've probably put it on layaway.
Kairi's birthday party is today and I think a lot of people are coming. Hopefully, from my standpoint, it goes better than last year's where I missed out on a lot of things because I had to keep doing stuff for people and even missed them singing her Happy Birthday. But this time I don't want it to be sang since Kairi hates that song and starts crying as soon as she hears it. Besides, her birthday was over a week ago. I don't want my little Monk to be crying when she has all kinds of cool presents around her.
Oh, in retaliation to one of my friends on YouTube mentioning me in a video of theirs, saying that I have some of the best videos, I made this for them:
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